Friday, April 28, 2006

Seoul and Daegu, Korea

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We started in Seoul, Korea where we spent two weeks in a great apartment. The piture above is of one of our dinners in the apartment. Pictured from right to left is Don - the conductor, Bryan - the drummer, me, Hiroshi - 1st violin, and Jason - bass. I had just finished load in and the boys had made dinner so they invited me to join - it was very nice. The apartments were great because we had kitchens and were able to cook whatever we wanted. I shared an apartment with Tracy the Assistant Stage Manager we had three bedrooms and two bathrooms so it worked out perfectly.

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The picture above is one of our daily excursions. This is a piture of the boys in front of one of the palaces we visited. We did a full day of sightseeing.

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This piture was taken on that same day. It was from a tower overlooking seoul. It is only 8,331.88 km to Seattle - practically home. Seoul was pretty good but I got very tired of the food - lots of kimchi - I don't need anymore of it ever again. I also ended up getting some kind of stomach bug which lasted about a month - it wasn't too fun.

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After two weeks in Seoul we hopped on a bus and drove about 4 hours to Daegu. Daegu was quite small and pretty dirty. I would not say that Daegu was one of my favorite places but I am glad that I got to experience it. I had my first overseas visit to the doctor. I had an interpreter who wasn't too helpful but the doctor didn't speak a word of english. I think I had some kind of stomach bug so he gave me some medicine and an injection of some sort which helped me for a little while but whatever it was came back shortly after the visit. The photos above and below were taken at Woobang Tower Land, which is a small amusement park that we went to on our day off. It was a lot of fun. The photo below is of Hiroshi and I ice skating. It was only my third time skating and it was Hiroshi's first time ever. Bryan is really good and he held our hands and took us around the rink which helped us both out a lot. It was a lot of fun!

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I had a nice time in Korea overall. It was the first of the Asian countries we visited and it was quite an experience. I had never seen the vendors sitting on the streets selling fruits, vegtables, and other goods. It was my first introduction to the asian culture and what is to come.